Parish Choir
In addition to singing the responses to the liturgical services of the community, our choir participates in the Pan-Orthodox Choir of the Greater Bridgeport area. We are especially blessed in that two of the three coordinating directors of this latter are our own directors - Laura Chadwick and Karen Masek.
Altar Servers
Upon the attaining of his seventh birthday, each young man attending the parish's church school program is invited to serve. The program is under the authority of the priest with the supervision of the pastor's designee - the sacristan, Robert Lazar.
TEUTA Ladies Society
Meeting monthly, this organization provides for the social needs of the ladies of the parish and coordinates the yearly parish Bazaar. It also sponsors parish wide functions and luncheons to increase the community spirit. President of the Society is Diane Cryan.
Parish Council
Coordinating with the priest, the Parish Council conducts the normal business activities of the parish. Terms for Council members are 3 years. The current Parish Council President is Bill Kovachi.
Parish Fellowship
Weekly fellowship following the Sunday Liturgy is the manner by which we re-enforce community. Coordinating this for the parish is Laura Chadwick.
Throughout the year, St. George supports various Orthodox-based or local charities through weekly charity collections. Recent activities include: Newtown CT shooting tragedy, assistance to an International Orthodox Christian Charity's support to Hurricane Sandy's victims, support to an orphanage in Albania, support to a parishioner for his mission trip to Guatemala, and on-going collection of food and serving meals at the Spooner House - a local homeless shelter.
Eastern Orthodox Women's Council of Greater Bridgeport; Inter-Orthodox Fellowship (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches in Connecticut "FORCC"); Greater Bridgeport area Orthodox Clergy Council.
Ecumenical Activities
Trumbull Interfaith Council: A local, non-sectarian coordinating agency for charitable and volunteer activity in the town of Trumbull.
Church School
The parish children are encouraged to "grow in life and faith, and spiritual understanding," and to receive weekly instruction: first as a collective under the leadership of the pastor with prayers and specially tailored sermons, then as smaller groups in a class-like setting. The Church School Coordinator is Sue Galich.
FORCC (Fellowship of Orthodox Churches in Connecticut) A Pan-Orthodox fellowship whose aim is to promote the Orthodox Faith in the state of Connecticut, it offers scholarships to Orthodox youth as they enter college and sponsors yearly church school teacher seminars. The parish representative is Bob Lazar.