St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
News: 2015
New Year's Eve Dance - 01/01/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our thanks to those who made the New Year’s Eve Dance a success. Special thanks go to Nardi Tollkuçi and Aida Corbaxhi for all their efforts in organizing this event.

Teuta Ladies Society Holiday Luncheon - 01/11/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2024-03-04 14:44:55

Congratulations to the Teuta Ladies Society who held their annual Holiday luncheon at Roberto’s Restaurant in Monroe on Sunday, January 11th.

Congratulations! - 01/18/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Congratulations to:

Lara Beth and Peter Kokenos, whose son, Jeremy Robert was born on December 12, 2014. Jeremy is the grandson of Bob and Linda Lazar and the little brother of Andrew Kokenos.

Amy and Brian Leighton, whose son, Andon Theodore was born on December 28, 2014. Andon is the grandson of Jeff and Carol Jaworski.

Many Years! Per Shume Vjet!

2015 Parish Council - 02/01/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Our sincere thanks go to Mary Nikola who is left the Parish Council after serving her term. At the semi-annual Parish Meeting, which was held on February 1st, Laura Chadwick was elected to join the Council for a new 3 –year term. Laura joins the current Council members James Bowe, Peter Dacey, Joseph Galich, Louise Karoli Gallagher, Cathy Hotova, Jeff Jaworski, Bill Kovachi. and Bob Lazar. Many Years! Për Shumë Vjet!

Congratulations! - 02/08/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We offer our congratulations to Andon Theodore Leighton, son of Brian and Amy (Jaworski) Leighton, who was received into the Holy Orthodox Church through the Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation on Sunday, February 8th. His sponsors were Jason Jaworski and Sarah LeightonMany Years! Për Shumë Vjet!

Valentine's Day Dance - 02/14/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

A Valentine's Day Dance was held in the Church Hall on Saturday, February 14th after Vespers.  Many thanks to Nardi Tollkuçi and Aida Corbaxhi for organizing the event.

Condolences - 03/01/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

This past week, a number of friends and members of our parish community departed this life:

  • Betty Csordas, aunt of Sharon Buzi;
  • Vasili Zargos, cousin of Dolores Nauchy;
  • Tanya Valis, wife of Stephan Valis;
  • Nancy Gregory, sister-in-law of Pandora Dionis.

Memory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Congratulations - 04/01/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our congratulations to Eric & Jill Brideau who gave birth to twins, Jace and Blake on April 1st. The proud grandparents are Jim & Jeanne BrideauMany Years! Për Shumë Vjet!

Christ is Risen! Truly, He is RIsen! - 04/12/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!  Krishti U-Ngjall! Vërtet U-Ngjall! are the traditional Orthodox Christian Paschal greetings in both English and Albanian. The St. George community recently completed the service cycle of Great Lent and Holy Week to Holy Pascha, with the celebration of the Midnight Paschal Liturgy on April 27th. Click Here to view the Paschal greeting in numerous languages.

Memory Eternal - 04/18/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Mary Themel fell asleep in the Lord Friday, April 17th.  St. George extends it's condelences to Priscilla Carameta, Peter Themel, and the entire Themel family.  May her memory be eternal!  Krishti u ngjall!

Thank you! - 04/18/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our thanks to the many people who helped to make Lent, Holy Week and Pascha beautiful and meaningful celebrations:

Pandora Dionis for decorating the Holy Cross for the Petafi.

The “Myrrhbearing Women” – Sharon Buzi, Mary DiIulio, Louise Karoli Gallagher, Dolores Nauchy, JoAnne Soter, Pauline Dionis and Voula Zargos– who decorated the Petafi on Holy Friday morning

Louis and Nancy Theodos for donating the new black altar and Petafi covers and flowers for the Petafi in memory of their parents: Harriet Lambert and Vincent and Della Theodos.

Those who made additional donations for the Petafi flowers: Mrs. Voula Zargos, in memory of her husband Vasili, Mrs. Steven C. Tallcouch, in memory of her husband, Steve and Dolores Nauchy in memory of her parents John and Helen.

Jennifer Goetz for decorating the Church for Holy Pascha.

Ron Dougiello of Commerce Hill Funeral Home in Bridgeport for the lilies that beautify the inside of the Church.

Jeanne Brideau and Jeanette Nichio who helped to remove the flowers from the Petafi.

The Teuta Ladies Society for the beautiful red eggs.

Cantors Van Michael and Charles Soter and their assistants

Greg Buzi II and Peter Dacey for their dedication and singing at every service.

The Choir and its Directors, Karen Masek and Laura Chadwick for their preparation and singing throughout Holy Week and Pascha. Our volunteer readers.

Gregory Buzi, who rang the bells.

Bob Lazar for his assistance in the sanctuary.

The Altar Servers for their time and assistance.

Sue Galich and her helpers for organizing the Children’s Egg Hunt and Coffee Hour.

Those who simply came to pray and celebrate the services.

Condolences - 04/22/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Lydia Dudo, departed this life on Wednesday, April 22nd, in New York. She was the wife of Tom Dudo.  We extend our condolences to the Dudo family.  Memory Eternal!  

Memory Eternal - 04/24/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We were saddened to learn that our friend and parishioner, Nicholas Hotova, departed this life on April 24th at the age of 96. Our condolences to his children, Catherine and Robert.  Memory eternal!  I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Condolences - 05/03/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our condolences to the families of:  Mary Lika Nastu, who departed this life on April 28th, in Fort Collins, Colorado, where she had been visiting her son, Paul;  and Arthur Athanas, who departed this life on April 29th, in Jacksonville, Florida. He was the cousin of Shirley Jordan.  Memory Eternal!  I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Mother's Day Commemorations - Sun, May 10th - 05/10/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

On Mother’s Day during Divine Liturgy, prayers were offered for the living and the departed mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, step-mothers, aunts, daughters, step-daughters, and nieces of our parish. Additionally, we wish to thank Ron Dougiello of Commerce Hill Funeral Home who provided a gift of a beautiful rose to each mother in attendance.

Condolences - 05/22/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We offer our condolences to the family of Eleanore Polena who departed this life on Friday, May 22ndMemory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Memorial Day - 05/24/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We remember today all those who gave their lives in defense of our country, together will all those departed this life who served in our Armed Forces.  Memory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

New Censer Donated - 05/24/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The new enameled censer which is being used today for the first time was donated in memory of Mary Themel by her family.

Condolences - 06/05/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned of the passing from this life of Meni Kyriakou, who died on Friday, June 5th.  She was the sister of Angie Soter.    Memory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Congratulations to our Graduates! - 06/14/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The following is a list of our young adults who recently graduated, or will soon be graduating, from high school or college. We extend our best wishes to them for continued success!

  • Hope Caliendograduated from Bunnell High School.
  • Kelly Coughlin:  graduated from The College of New Jersey with a major in Criminology, and a minor in Spanish.
  • Sarah Csernica:  earned a Master of Science in Accounting from the University of Connecticut.
  • Melissa Galich:  graduated from Trumbull High School.
  • Victoria Nichio:  graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a teaching degree
  • Meghan Quinn:  graduated from Keene State College (New Hampshire) majoring in Dance, with a minor in Business Management.
  • Julia Snedegar:  received a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Rhode Island.
  • Jordan Paige Veneri:  graduated from Sacred Heart Academy (Hamden).

Many Years!         Për Shumë Vjet!

Welcome Fr. Sergei! - 06/21/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The St. George parish wishes to welcome and thank Fr. Sergei Bouteneff for serving Divine Liturgy on 2 Sundays in June while Fr. Dennis was away on a mission trip to Albania.  Many Years!  Për Shumë Vjet!

Father's Day Commemorations - Sun, June 21st - 06/21/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2022-05-19 06:31:58

On Father's Day during Divine Liturgy, prayers were offered for the living and the departed fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, step-fathers, uncles, sons, step-sons and nephews of our parish. Additionally, we wish to thank Ron Dougiello of Commerce Hill Funeral Home who provided a gift to each father in attendance.

Fr. Dennis returns from Mission trip - 07/01/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Our Fr. Dennis Rhodes recently returned home from Albania where he completed a 2-week mission trip. This mission team, coordinated by the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), worked with Albanian youth at the annual summer youth camp program at the Children's Home of Hope in Shen Vlash.  This is the 2nd consecutive year Fr. Dennis supported this mission. Many Years!  Për Shumë Vjet!

Congratulations - 07/11/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We offer congratulations to members of the Chadwick/Bowe Family:

  • Rebecca Chadwick and Daniel Rakowitz recently announced their engagement.
  • Also, Christian James was born on May 25,, 2015 to Kevin and Jessica (Chadwick) Baird and big sister Caelyn.

Rebecca and Jessica are the daughters of Joe and Laura Chadwick and the granddaughters of Jim and Vi BoweMany Years! Për Shumë Vjet!

Condolences - 07/12/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend condolences to the families of the following people who died recently:

  • Frank Norton, brother-in-law of Joe Chadwick, passed away on June 22nd;
  • Gloria Guimares, aunt of Joe Chadwick, passed away on July 3rd;
  • David Snedegar, husband of Andrea Dionis Snedegar, died on July 9th.

Memory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Condolences - 07/30/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our condolences to Joe Chadwick and his family on the death of his mother, Elvira Chadwick, who departed this life on Thursday, July 30thMemory Eternal!  I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Announcement of LaBache Scholarship Fund - 08/16/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The Thomas and Katherine LeBache Scholarship Fund was recently established due to the wishes and generosity of the late Katherine LeBache for the children of our parish.  The fund will give a financial grant to any qualified candidate attending college, university, community college or trade school.  Click Here to learn more.  

Congratulations! - 08/30/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our congratulations to Wayne Moras and Lauren Walter, who were married yesterday by Father Dennis at St. Alexis Orthodox Church in Clinton, Conn.   Wayne is the son of Wayne and Melissa Moras.  Many Years! Për Shumë Vjet!

Best wishes to our Collegians! - 09/12/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The following is a status of some of our young adults currently enrolled in college or professional education.  We give our Best Wishes for their continued success!

Hope Caliendo – Freshman attending King’s College (Pennsylvania) majoring in Early Childhood education.

Allison Cryan – attending Housatonic Community College (Connecticut) pursuing a General Studies program.  

Andrew Cryan – Junior at the University of Bridgeport pursuing a degree in Industrial Design.

Victoria Demetri -  Sophomore attending Gateway Community College (Connecticut) studying Nutrition.   

Melissa Galich - attending Ricci's Academy of Cosmetology in Newtown.  

Kellie Hurd – Juniorat the University of Rhode Island.

Adam Nichio - attending Norwalk Community College   

Anthony Nichio - attending Southern Connecticut State College (New Haven)  

Lauren Rubis - Senior at Marist College (New York).

Luiza Tollkuci – Junior at the University of Rhode Island.

Jordan Paige Veneri –Freshman attending Saint Anselm College (New Hampshire).

Congratulations! - 09/19/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our congratulations to Christian James Baird, who was received into the Holy Orthodox Church yesterday through the Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation. Joseph Galich and Rebecca Chadwick are his Godparents.  Christian is the son of Jessica (Chadwick) and Kevin Baird, the grandson of Joe and Laura Chadwick, and the great-grandson of Jim and Vi Bowe.

Scholarships Awarded - 09/20/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Congratulations to the first recipients of the Thomas and Katherine LaBache Scholarships, which were presented at the end of the Divine Liturgy. They are:

  • Melissa Galich,
  • Hope Caliendo,
  • Andrew Cryan,
  • Luiza Tollkuçi,
  • Kristina Tollkuçi.

Many Years!  Për Shumë Vjet! 
Click on the more information link to view 2 photos.

Church School Opens - 09/20/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Our Church School is began its regular sessions on Sunday, September 20th.  The students begin in Church at 9:30 a.m., with some time with Father Dennis, and then go downstairs for classes.  This year’s theme will be “The Earth is the Lord’s: Caring for God’s Creation.”

Condolences - 09/27/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our condolences to the family of Michael Adam, who passed away in Florida.  Memory Eternal!  I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Welcome Deacon Stephanos Ritsi - 10/04/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We welcomed to Saint George Deacon Stephanos Ritsi, an American missionary who, with his wife, has worked in Albania for the past two years.  He also spoke to the parish about his work in Albania, and addressed the annual FORCC Banquet which was held in the afternoon.  Click on the more information link to view a few photos.

Parishioners Anointed with Myrrh from Weeping Icon - 10/18/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Father Dennis will be anointing people as they approach the Cross today with the myrrh from the wonder-working Weeping Icon of the Mother of God “Kardiotissa”.   The Icon, which is from St. George Orthodox Church in Taylor, Penna., was at St. John the Baptist Church on Mill Hill Avenue in Bridgeport on Friday, October 16th.

Many Thanks to all who helped with the Teuta Ladies' Society Bazaar - 10/25/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Thank you to everyone who worked to make the Teuta Ladies’ Society Annual Bazaar a success.  Currently, the net income from the Bazaar is $10,700.  The Bazaar, which is the major fundraiser for the church, was held on Saturday, October 24th.

Veteran's Day Recognition - 11/08/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

On Sunday, November 8th, St. George recognized and offered prayers today to all military members who are serving, and all Veteran's who have served in the Armed Forces of our nation.  Veteran's Day was on the upcoming week on November 11th.  Many Years! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!  Click on the more information link to view the photo.

Thank you! - 11/22/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We offer our thanks to Ron Dougiello of the Commerce Hill Funeral Home for his traditional Thanksgiving Day gifts for our parishioners.

Condolences - 11/22/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We have learned of the death on Monday, November 16th, of Dawn Marie Fleming. She was the daughter of Jack and Helen Reh.  We have also learned of the death on Friday, November 20th, of Donald Darling, husband of Esther DarlingMemory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Choir prepares Care Packages for College students - 11/30/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Following a pre-Christmas Choir rehearsal, the gathered members from the Choir packaged their annual Care Packages to our College students.  Click on the more information link to view the photo.

St. Nicholas Celebration - 2015 - 12/06/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Following Divine Liturgy on December 6th, the parish celebrated a Saint Nicholas Holiday Party.  This annual event is a gathering of the parish community for fellowship and seasonal joy.   There was also a visit from Santa for the children of the parish.  Thanks go out to the Teuta Ladies Society and the Church School families for all their efforts organizing and supporting the event.  Click on the more information link below to view some photos from the celebration.

New Parish Council Member elected for 2016 - 12/13/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Congratulations to Joseph Chadwick who was elected to serve on the Parish Council for 2016. Many Years!  Për Shumë Vjet!

Christ is Born! Glorify Him! - 12/25/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

The St. George community recently completed the service cycle of Advent with Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of the Lord. As per parish custom, the community sang carols after the Nativity Festal Matins service on Christmas Eve.  Click on the more information link to view a few photos.

Welcome Fr. Sergei - 12/27/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We welcomed Fr. Sergei Bouteneff to St. George on Sunday, December 27th.  Father Sergei celebrated Divine Liturgy while Father Dennis was away.

Condolences - 12/27/2015
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our condolences to Joe & Laura Chadwick on the death last week of Joe's aunt, Irene Salamon. Memory Eternal! I Përjetshim Kujtimi!

Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, October 6
9:15AM General Confession
9:30AM Divine Liturgy
Parish Body Meeting following in the Church Hall
Saturday, October 12
12 Noon - Marriage Blessing
Sarah and Brian Davis, and Chelsey and Hans Lugus
Sunday, October 13
9:15AM Church School meets with Fr. Sergei
9:30AM Divine Liturgy
View Live-Streamed Services

Connect below to view our next Live Stream service from our Facebook page:

Sunday October 6th -  9:30AM Divine Liturgy 

St. George Orthodox Church, Trumbull, CT | Contact