St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
SpinOdyssey Fund Raiser for Breast Cancer Research - 02/05/2009
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

Both Penny Lazor and Eleni Weaver will be "spinning" for American Cancer Society's breast cancer research program.

The big event takes place on March 1, 2009 – both Eleni and Penny will be riding for all six hours.

Last year, SpinOdyssey raised over $500,000 for the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) breast cancer research.  This year, their goal is to raise $550,000.00.

Please consider contributing to an outstanding cause and supporting either of our young mothers.  In today's challenging economy, no donation is too small.  ANY support directly benefits the ACS breast cancer research.

You can support Eleni on-line:

or Penny, with a choice:
1) Online at:

2) If you would rather donate directly rather than online, please write your check to the American Cancer Society and send it to Penny at 15 Gerardo Drive Monroe, CT  06468.  She will submit the check at the event and you will get the appropriate tax receipt.

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