St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Great and Holy Friday - 2023
Great and Holy Friday - 2023

St. George completed services for Good Friday with the Vespers Service of Taking down from the Cross, and the Friday evening Matins service for Great and Holy Saturday, with the Praises (or Lamentations) at the Tomb of Christ.  Below photos from the services.

Good Friday Vespers Service - Taking Down from the Cross
Tomb of Christ that was decorated on Friday morning
Tomb of Christ that was decorated on Friday morning
Tomb of Christ that was decorated on Friday morning
Taking down the image of Christ from the Cross
Taking down the image of Christ from the Cross
Taking down the image of Christ from the Cross
Passing the image of Christ through the Tomb
Passing the image of Christ through the Tomb
Passing the image of Christ through the Tomb
Passing the image of Christ through the Tomb
Passing the image of Christ through the Tomb
Passing the image of Christ through the Tomb
The Holy Shroud (or Petifi in Albanian) being moved from the Altar
The Holy Shroud (or Petifi in Albanian) being moved from the Altar
The Holy Shroud (or Petifi in Albanian) being moved from the Altar
The Holy Shroud being readied to be moved to the Tomb of Christ
The Holy Shroud being readied to be moved to the Tomb of Christ
The Holy Shroud being readied to be moved to the Tomb of Christ
The Icon of the Holy Shroud
The Icon of the Holy Shroud
The Icon of the Holy Shroud
Good Friday evening - Matins for Holy Saturday with the Praises at the Tomb of Christ
The decorated Tomb of Christ which holds the Holy Shroud
The decorated Tomb of Christ which holds the Holy Shroud
The decorated Tomb of Christ which holds the Holy Shroud
The Great Litany
The Great Litany
The Great Litany
Fr Sergei and Choir gather around the Tomb of Christ to sing the Praises or Lamentations
Fr Sergei and Choir gather around the Tomb of Christ to sing the Praises or Lamentations
Fr Sergei and Choir gather around the Tomb of Christ to sing the Praises or Lamentations
Fr Sergei sprinkles the entire church with rose water
Fr Sergei sprinkles the entire church with rose water
Fr Sergei sprinkles the entire church with rose water
The Burial procession of the Holy Shroud around the church with parishioners following
The Burial procession of the Holy Shroud around the church with parishioners following
The Burial procession of the Holy Shroud around the church with parishioners following
Parishioners pass under the Holy Shroud and by the Gospel Book which Fr. Sergei is holding.
Parishioners pass under the Holy Shroud and by the Gospel Book which Fr. Sergei is holding.
Parishioners pass under the Holy Shroud and by the Gospel Book which Fr. Sergei is holding.
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