St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Support to local food banks - 02/01/2024
Category: Monthly Charity
Last updated: 2024-02-20 10:36:02

The collection of non-perishable food stuffs is, and has been, an on-going ministry in the parish.  The proceeds are directed to local area food banks for distribution to those who are in need. 
St. George maintains collection boxes in the rear of the church for donating non-perishable food items all year.  
Typical food item needs include:
o   Coffee: 1 lb containers
o   Tea
o   Breakfast foods: hot and cold cereals, breakfast bars, pop tarts
o   Syrup (regular or sugar free)  
o   Pancake Mix
o   Canned fruit (regular or low sugar - preferably in juice)  
o   Canned vegetables
o   Apple sauce (ie., low sugar, no sugar, natural juices)
o   Pancake mix and syrup
o   Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable Broth  
o   Hamburger Helper, Knorr Pasta/Rice Sides, Macaroni & Cheese
o   Jarred tomato sauce and tomato product (crushed, puree, diced, paste)
o   Shelf stable milk (whole, soy, almond)
o   Gluten Free Products
o   Juice and juice boxes
o   Peanut butter and jelly
o   Canned beans (low sodium, kidney, black, white, red, garbanzo, pink, pinto)
o   Laundry detergent and dish soap
o   Hygiene products: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, deodorant. 
o   Household cleaning supplies
o   Facial tissues
o   Napkins
Periodically we designate one of our monthly Charity tray donations to one of the local food banks.  Any monetary donations received by the food banks are used to purchase fresh vegetables, milk, meat, frozen vegetables, eggs, and any non-perishables needed to fill in their inventory.
“Hunger never takes a vacation!” is a theme used often during food drives. We appreciate everyone's continued support! 


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