St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Palm Sunday - 2024

On April 28th, St. George celebrated Palm Sunday, which marks the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. After Divine Liturgy, there was a procession of palms lead by the youth and children of the parish. The blessing of the palms and branches followed with parishioners holding their branches high. This year, due to difficulty acquiring pussy willow branches, a mix of boxwood branches and palm fronds were bundled for blessing.  Palm crosses were made by the Church School and handed out during the dismissal. Thanks to Anna Bouteneff, Fr. Sergei, Cathy Hotova, and Sue & Joe Galich for assembling the boxwood branches and palm fronds on Lazarus Saturday. Below are several few photos.

St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
St. George's Icon of the Feast of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
Bundling palms and boxwood branches on Lazarus Saturday
Bundling palms and boxwood branches on Lazarus Saturday
Bundling palms and boxwood branches on Lazarus Saturday
Fr. Sergei giving his Palm Sunday sermon
Fr. Sergei giving his Palm Sunday sermon
Fr. Sergei giving his Palm Sunday sermon
Final prayers at the end of Divine Liturgy
Final prayers at the end of Divine Liturgy
Final prayers at the end of Divine Liturgy
Children receiving branches in preparation for a procession around the church
Children receiving branches in preparation for a procession around the church
Children receiving branches in preparation for a procession around the church
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Receiving branches for the procession
Parish children and youth lead the procession with palm branches
Parish children and youth lead the procession with palm branches
Parish children and youth lead the procession with palm branches
Procession with palm branches around the church
Procession with palm branches around the church
Procession with palm branches around the church
Procession with palm branches around the church
Procession with palm branches around the church
Procession with palm branches around the church
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Prayers before the blessing of palms
Fr. Sergei blesses the palm branches that parishioners hold high
Fr. Sergei blesses the palm branches that parishioners hold high
Fr. Sergei blesses the palm branches that parishioners hold high
Making Palm Crosses to be blessed and distributed after Divine Liturgy
Making Palm Crosses to be blessed and distributed after Divine Liturgy
Making Palm Crosses to be blessed and distributed after Divine Liturgy
Church School preparing plastic eggs for the Children's Egg Hunt which will be held after the Paschal Vespers
Church School preparing plastic eggs for the Children's Egg Hunt which will be held after the Paschal Vespers
Church School preparing plastic eggs for the Children's Egg Hunt which will be held after the Paschal Vespers
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