St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Wedding Congratulations!

St. George extends congratulations to Luiza Tollkuci and Evan Stamps who were married on Saturday, May 18th.  We also wish to congratulate Luiza's parents, Nardi and Silijana, her sister Kristina Tollkuci, and her grandparents Nikolas and Liuiza Tollkuci. Many Years!  Për Shumë Vjet! Below please find a few photos to view. 

The wedding begins with the Betrothal Ceremony
The wedding begins with the Betrothal Ceremony
The wedding begins with the Betrothal Ceremony
The Bride and Groom hold a lit Wedding Candle at the start of the Crowning Service
The Bride and Groom hold a lit Wedding Candle at the start of the Crowning Service
The Bride and Groom hold a lit Wedding Candle at the start of the Crowning Service
The couple is being crowned with their Wedding Crowns
The couple is being crowned with their Wedding Crowns
The couple is being crowned with their Wedding Crowns
While the bride's father Nardi Tollkuci holds the Book of Gospels, Fr. Sergei reads from the Gospel of St. John (2:1-12)
While the bride's father Nardi Tollkuci holds the Book of Gospels, Fr. Sergei reads from the Gospel of St. John (2:1-12)
While the bride's father Nardi Tollkuci holds the Book of Gospels, Fr. Sergei reads from the Gospel of St. John (2:1-12)
 The couple drinks from a Common Cup.  The bride's mother, Silijana Tollkuci (far left) presented the Common cup.
The couple drinks from a Common Cup. The bride's mother, Silijana Tollkuci (far left) presented the Common cup.
The couple drinks from a Common Cup. The bride's mother, Silijana Tollkuci (far left) presented the Common cup.
Fr. Sergei leads the couple in Procession around the center table
Fr. Sergei leads the couple in Procession around the center table
Fr. Sergei leads the couple in Procession around the center table
After the procession, the crowns are removed for a final blessing
After the procession, the crowns are removed for a final blessing
After the procession, the crowns are removed for a final blessing
Many Years!  Për Shumë Vjet!
Many Years! Për Shumë Vjet!
Many Years! Për Shumë Vjet!
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