St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
The Great Blessing of Water - 2025

On Sunday, Jan 5th, St. George parish conducted the Great Blessing of Water. The celebration of Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Theophany (normally celebrated on Jan 6th) is being transferred to the following Sunday, Jan 12th.  Below please find several photos.

In preparation for the Service of the Great Blessing of Water before Divine Liturgy - service booklets and the container of water at the center of the church.
In preparation for the Service of the Great Blessing of Water before Divine Liturgy - service booklets and the container of water at the center of the church.
In preparation for the Service of the Great Blessing of Water before Divine Liturgy - service booklets and the container of water at the center of the church.
Reading the petitions before the Blessing of Water
Reading the petitions before the Blessing of Water
Reading the petitions before the Blessing of Water
The Blessing of Water, making the sign of the cross with the precious Cross and plunging the Cross into the water 3 times.
The Blessing of Water, making the sign of the cross with the precious Cross and plunging the Cross into the water 3 times.
The Blessing of Water, making the sign of the cross with the precious Cross and plunging the Cross into the water 3 times.
Blessing the faithful and the church with the sanctified water
Blessing the faithful and the church with the sanctified water
Blessing the faithful and the church with the sanctified water
Blessing the faithful and the church with the sanctified water
Blessing the faithful and the church with the sanctified water
Blessing the faithful and the church with the sanctified water
After the service, Brooke Dionis helps fill bottles with Holy Water for parishioners to take home.
After the service, Brooke Dionis helps fill bottles with Holy Water for parishioners to take home.
After the service, Brooke Dionis helps fill bottles with Holy Water for parishioners to take home.
St. George's icon of the Feast of Theophany
St. George's icon of the Feast of Theophany
St. George's icon of the Feast of Theophany
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Sunday February 9th -  10:00AM Divine Liturgy


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