St. George is helping the Binky Patrol Comforting Covers and Al’s Angels by donating our Church Hall this Thursday, Jan 16th from 5:30PM to 8:30PM.
Volunteers will be making fleece blankets that will be sent to comfort children impacted by the wildfires in California, especially from the town of Altadena.
Al’s Angels is arranging for the shipment of items, and has purchased some of the fleece.
Volunteers are asked to just bring a sharp pair of scissors and a $10 donation to help pay for the remainder of the fleece, and some pizza and treats for dinner.
Teenagers are welcome to also volunteer – Community service hours will be awarded, so teens bring your sheets.
For the 16 parishioners who already gave their name to Laura Coughlin at church on Sunday, you do not need to reconfirm you attendance – Laura will forward your name as a participant.
For those who wish to help making fleece blankets but have not confirmed with Laura on Sunday, please reply by Wednesday morniing (Jan 15th) to Jeanne at:
on Facebook www.Facebook.com/CTBINKY.