This page is to assist viewers to find additional information, organziations, media, and various resources on the Orthodox Church in America and the Orthodox faith. Below are numerous links to a collection of Orthodox websites on the internet:
Orthodox Church in America - (https://www.oca.org )
Albanian Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America - ( https://www.oca.org/dioceses/albanian-archdiocese )
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops - ( http://www.assemblyofbishops.org )
Charitiable, Mission, & Evangelism Organizations:
Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve North America (FOCUS) - ( https://focusnorthamerica.org )
International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) - ( https://iocc.org )
Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) - ( https://www.ocmc.org )
Orthodox Christian Network - ( http://myocn.net )
Ancient Faith Ministires ( https://www.ancientfaith.com )
Orthodox TV - ( http://www.orthodox.tv )
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary - Yonkers, NY: ( https://www.svots.edu )
St. Tikhons Orthodox Theological Seminary - South Canaan, PA: ( https://www.stots.edu )
St. Herman Theological Seminary - Kodiak, AK: (https://www.sthermanseminary.org )