St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Feast of Pentecost - 2021

St. George celebrated the Feast of Pentecost on Sunday, June 20th with Divine Liturgy followed immediately after with the Kneeling Vespers. The Feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit when the Apostles were gathered together and a sound came from heaven like a rushing wind, then tongues of fire appeared upon each one of Apostles. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages. It also celebrates the establishment of the Church through the preaching of the Apostles and the baptism of the thousands on that day. The Feast is also seen as the culmination of the revelation of the Holy Trinity.

Coincedentally, Father's Day fell on the same day.  Commemorations/Prayers were said for our departed and living fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, godfathers, brothers, stepbrothers, or nephews during the Great Entance and after the Pentecost Kneeling Vespers.  Click onto the more information link below to view some photos. 

Pentecost/Father's Day Prayers
Divine Liturgy begins for Pentecost
Divine Liturgy begins for Pentecost
Divine Liturgy begins for Pentecost
Gospel Reading during Divine Liturgy
Gospel Reading during Divine Liturgy
Gospel Reading during Divine Liturgy
Commemorations/Prayers for Father's Day during the Great Entrance
Commemorations/Prayers for Father's Day during the Great Entrance
Commemorations/Prayers for Father's Day during the Great Entrance
Reading names of living and deceased fathers during the Great Entrance
Reading names of living and deceased fathers during the Great Entrance
Reading names of living and deceased fathers during the Great Entrance
Commemoration of our fathers during the Great Entrance
Commemoration of our fathers during the Great Entrance
Commemoration of our fathers during the Great Entrance
Parishioners maintaining social distances during Divine Liturgy
Parishioners maintaining social distances during Divine Liturgy
Parishioners maintaining social distances during Divine Liturgy
Fr Sergei reads the Prayer Behind the Ambon at the end of Divine Liturgy
Fr Sergei reads the Prayer Behind the Ambon at the end of Divine Liturgy
Fr Sergei reads the Prayer Behind the Ambon at the end of Divine Liturgy
Beginning the Kneeling Vespers service
Beginning the Kneeling Vespers service
Beginning the Kneeling Vespers service
1st Kneeling Prayer during the Kneeling Vespers service
1st Kneeling Prayer during the Kneeling Vespers service
1st Kneeling Prayer during the Kneeling Vespers service
Altar Servers following the Kneeling Vespers service in service booklets
Altar Servers following the Kneeling Vespers service in service booklets
Altar Servers following the Kneeling Vespers service in service booklets
Final blessing before dismissal after the Kneeling Vespers service
Final blessing before dismissal after the Kneeling Vespers service
Final blessing before dismissal after the Kneeling Vespers service
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