St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Thank you! - 04/25/2011
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2017-06-18 07:01:21

We extend our thanks to the many people who helped to make Lent, Holy Week and Pascha a beautiful and meaningful celebration:


-Pandora Dionis for decorating the Holy Cross for the Sunday of the Cross.

-Pandora Dionis, Pauline Dionis and Gloria Athanas for the decoration of the Petafi.

-Karen Masek for donating the flowers that decorated the Petafi in memory of her father Peter Michael.

-Bob Lazar, Cheryl Themel and Jennifer Goetz for decorating the church for Holy Pascha.

-Ron Dougiello for the flowers that beautify the inside of the church.

-Gloria Athanas and the Teuta Ladies Society for the beautiful red eggs.

-Jim & Vi Bowe for the new planters and flowers outside the church.

-Cantors Van Michael and Charles Soter for their dedication and singing at every service.

-The Choir for their preparation and singing throughout Holy Week and Pascha.

-Our volunteer Readers.

-Bob Lazar for his assistance in the sanctuary.

-The Altar Servers for their time and assistance.

-Sue Wight for organizing the Children’s Egg Hunt and coffee hour.

-Dave Denisevich for helping to repair the three-branched candle stands.

-Those who simply came to pray and celebrate the services.


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