St. George Orthodox Church
Albanian Archdiocese of the OCA
Trumbull, Connecticut
Veteran's Day Prayer - 2020 - 11/05/2020
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2020-11-08 14:50:58

On Sunday Nov 8th after Divine Liturgy, in honor of Veteran’s Day, our parish Veterans and current military personnel were acknowledged, and a special prayer was read for all Veterans and Military servicemen and women.  Below is the prayer:
Almighty God, the cause of liberty is Yours. 
It is likewise the cause of those who have defended it against tyranny and oppression. 
Remembering the veterans who have served, and those who are now serving in America's Armed Forces, we give You thanks. 
We are grateful that You inspired their sense of patriotism and strengthened them in unselfish service. 
Their courage and vigilance insured the freedom and peace we enjoy today. 
Grant, we pray, O Lord, to each of our Veterans a generous portion of Your grace and to America, our native land, Your blessing.  

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